Saturday, September 28, 2019

Organisational Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Organisational Analysis - Essay Example In the current study, few of these organisational aspects will be discussed in detail, taking reference from a film. The film, Charlie and the chocolate factory, is an adaptation of a book published in 1964. The story revolves around a poor little kid named Charlie Bucket, who gets an opportunity to tour Willy Wonk’s chocolate factory, famous in the entire world. After nearly a decade, the eccentric and reclusive chocolate maker, Willy Wonka, opens his door for the public. However, he sets a lottery of five golden tickets and five winners were allowed to visit the factory for a day. The tour was to be given by Willy Wonka himself. This was a dream come true situation for young Charlie Bucket (Teaching Ideas, 2014). Culture plays an important role in shaping an organisation. Culture can be described as behaviours and values which contribute to the unique psychological and social environment of a firm. It consists of a firm’s experiences, expectations, values as well as philosophies, holding the organisation together and expressing their inner working and self-image. The culture of an organisation can be understood and analysed through various aspects: Now coming to the film, organisational culture can be understood by the relationship shared between Willy Wonka and his employees, the Oompa-Loompas. These were short humans, different from normal sized ones and had very particular working and communication styles. Nonetheless, Willy Wonka always appreciated them and gave them full liberty, in terms of conducting their work; making decisions, in terms of process and manufacturing; as well as taking consultation from these Oompa-Loompas, which has been shown in the plot. The overall flow of information and power was very streamlined and controlled as the Oompa employees were very disciplined, hierarchical and strict followers of rules. Another factor, which helped in increasing overall efficiency of the organisation, was inter-cultural relationship

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